Friday, April 18, 2008

Austin Golden Hour - The Worst Show Ever

Yesterday and today I worked on what could possibly be the worst show ever created. Even the crew hated it and had no respect for it. In order to keep the crew happy, however, they overcompensated with amazing food. Tito's Tacos, sushi bar, sundaes, and basically anything you could possibly desire. I also made a friend on set, Ashley. We are very similar in the fact that she went to NYU theatre school and I went to USC theatre and film school, and we both have similar man trouble. I was also intrigued by the fact that she was a complete open book. She told everyone on set that she was a virgin. That took guts. This was my first AFTRA show and was paid a lot to be there cause they booked me as Union instead of Non-Union. The money made it worth it I suppose. The days were very long and we were filming at the RFK hospital which is now abandoned. I wasn't even used that much and we wore ugly brown scrubs. One of the crew guys thought I was from Ireland. That provided the sole laugh of the 2 day call since I have no Irish accent. Clearly, we were all very sick and tired of being there and some may have been having delusions of Irish accents in order to spice up the hours of horrific acting. The plot is this: Very young doctors who are about my age are running a hospital and it is very soap opera-ish and it is supposed to be a cross between ER and the OC. I know how you feel, I threw up a little bit too.

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