Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sons of Anarchy and the Day the Earth Shook

I was working Sons of Anarchy up in Sun Valley about 15 miles north of where I live. I was a student at a fair of some sort that they were filming at a high school. My friend Kate was in town visiting, and if I weren't desperate for money, I would have stayed home, but c'est la vie, I was stuck in high school all day.  Fairs, for the clown phobic, are potentially dangerous and I did see a man in half make up, but before I was able to show my fear, the ground started shaking.  In fact I was in mid text to Kate telling her about said clown when the ground started shaking.  It was the most violent earthquake thus far that I had felt and would feel for some time and all of us extras were evacuated to the football field for a good 2 hours which of course disrupted filming for the day.  I tried calling Kate to make sure everything was okay but of course the phones were busy for a good hour after the quake.  When I finally got a hold of her, I was glad to find out that she was okay, and that the only damage done was a few crooked pictures and books off my bookshelf.  I survived my first big quake!

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